How to Make a Good First Impression (Without Trying Too Hard)

Science says it takes only about seven seconds to make a good first impression, so why not make the most out of it when it comes to meeting potential business partners? When you’re growing your network, you need to leave a positive and lasting impact on your future downlines. Here’s how:

Smile – and mean it.

Sometimes, all you need to do to break the barrier between you and a potential new client is a genuine smile. According to a survey conducted by Kelton Global on behalf of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, it’s the best way to make a good first impression – so don’t be afraid to flash your pearly whites!

Keep it short, simple, and clear.

Stop beating around the bush and keep it concise. People have different attention spans so you’d want to get your point across quickly and clearly. Start off with an interesting fact about yourself to keep them focused until the end of your introduction.

Maintain eye contact.

When you make eye contact with the person you’re talking to, you’re conveying two messages: that you’re confident about what you’re talking about and that you respect the person on the other end. Either way, it’ll leave a good impression about your character.

Watch your body language.

Most of the time, actions speak louder than words; what they don’t hear from your mouth can be seen through your gestures, whether that’s positive or negative – so use it wisely!

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