How to Make a Good First Impression (Without Trying Too Hard)

Science says it takes only about seven seconds to make a good first impression, so why not make the most out of it when it comes to meeting potential business partners? When you’re growing your network, you need to leave a positive and lasting impact on your future downlines. Here’s how: Smile – and mean…

How to Deal with Misunderstandings In Network Marketing

As your network grows, you may encounter problematic situations or people who are difficult to manage. Instead of fighting fire with fire, here are some tips on how to handle them without losing your cool: Focus on the issue. When problems arise, focus on resolving those issues instead of attacking the person or rehashing old…

Why You Should Consider Network Marketing as a Business Opportunity

There are many options to choose from when you finally decide to start a business, but if you want to experience complete freedom while you earn the extra cash, then you should consider network marketing. Aside from having all the time you need in your hands, you also get to meet new people you can…

Habits of Successful People You Need to Know

Success may vary from one person to another, and there’s really no secret to it. You just have to work hard towards your goal with a positive and open mind while you tackle challenges ahead. If you want to reach your goals, here are some habits you need to develop: They never stop learning. Whether…

Habits that are Affecting Your Business Negatively

Whether that’s how you act around your teammates or how you deal with your clients, there are some practices that may be harming your business – and as much as you want to stay professional in the workplace, these habits are inevitable and are a part of you. Here are some habits that are most…

Tips for Network Marketing Success from Mr Joseph Bismark

There’s a risk in every business, but that doesn’t mean you should throw in the towel before you even take the first step. If you really want to achieve network marketing success, take it from one of the founders of QNET himself, Mr Joseph Bismark. He, along with Dato’ Sri Vijay Eswaran, established the business…

Tips on How to Improve Your Time Management Skills

There are several key points to remember when it comes to putting up a business, but the most essential one, perhaps, is about time management. When you start learning how to handle your time properly, you become a more efficient member of the team since you know what you should and shouldn’t prioritise at the…

5 Smart Money Tips You Need to Know

Whether you’re a businessman running a company or on the other end of the rod as a consumer, these tips can help you towards your goal towards financial stability: Create a financial calendar. Having a visible representation of your financial responsibilities can help you stay on track more. It’ll also remind you of pending bills,…

How to Stay Positive After Countless Rejections

Life isn’t always perfect, and after experiencing numerous failures and rejections, you’ll start questioning yourself if anything is even worth doing – but don’t let them get you down! Yes, it’s difficult to maintain an optimistic attitude after being turned down so many times, but it’ll make you tougher and better. If you think life…

Reasons You’re Not Gaining Permanent Clients

When it comes to network marketing, everyone knows that the clients (or potential downlines) play an integral part on whether you’ll make it big in the industry. These people are the heart of the business and you must never take them for granted. If you’re finding it difficult to grow your circle, then you’re probably…

4 Essential Things You Should Know About Network Marketing

Although people veer away from the idea of network marketing because of the misconceptions that it’s some potential scam, it’s actually a reliable source of income. Not only does it grow your money, it also gives you the opportunity to help others along the way. If you’re looking for a new way to earn and…

How to Build a Steady Downline

Whether you’re a newbie or pro in the network marketing industry, downlines are important for the business; they’re your first customers and are the people who will help expand your circle. If you’re having difficulties in creating a stable downline, here are some tips to keep in mind: Treat them all with respect and fairness….